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Text File | 2004-01-06 | 46.2 KB | 1,226 lines
; Language file of EMcalc Version 2.0 (c) Alfred Bodor ; ; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to: ; http://www.emdat.cz/emcalc_download.html ; ; Translation: Lukas Uhl, xuhl@fi.muni.cz ; Last update: 2003/04/29 ; ; Note: %\ means line break (CRLF), ; %d %s are parameters. [Localization] Language=ENGLISH CountryID=0044 [Title] OpenDlg=Open SaveAsDlg=Save As SaveWorkSheetAsDlg=Save Worksheet As ParamDlg=Data Series Parameters VarForm=List of Variables FuncForm=List of Functions ExprForm=Expression Library StatForm=Statistical Analysis RegrForm=Regression Analysis GrForm=Graph of Data Series PrefForm=Preferences LogForm=History of Calculations GrafForm=Curves Defined by Parametric Equations CarCurves=Curves in Cartesian Coordinate System InfCurves=Curves Defined by Infinite Series Expansion CaptForm=Graph Captions StatSForm=Statstic Data Saving Options ConvForm=Unit Conversions ObjForm=EMcalc Order RegForm=EMcalc Registration AboutBox=About EMcalc TipsForm=Tip of the Day FindForm=Find Text GemForm=System of Equations GemVForm=Variant System of Equations Matrices=Matrix Operations DispForm=Expression Editor ConstForm=User Constants [LicForm] btnRetry=&Continue btnRegister=&Registration btnOrder=&Order btnHelp=&Help btnQuit=&Quit [Dlg] Dlg_Warning=Warning Dlg_Error=Error Dlg_Information=Information Dlg_Confirmation=Confirmation Dlg_Yes=&Yes Dlg_No=&No Dlg_Ok=OK Dlg_Cancel=Cancel Dlg_Abort=&Abort Dlg_Retry=&Retry Dlg_Ignore=&Ignore Dlg_All=&All Dlg_NoToAll=N&o to All Dlg_YesToAll=Yes to &All Dlg_Help=&Help [Msg] Msg_Unknown=unknown Msg_UnknownColSep=Unknown column separator Msg_FreeDisabled=%\ disabled in freeware version Msg_RemainDays=You have %d remain days Msg_EvalPeriodExired=The evaluation period has expired, please register your program Msg_SplashFree=The program works now in demo version with restricted functions. You can use it for free. If you want to restore all the functions of the program, please order and perform the registration. Msg_SplashShare=Trial version with 30 days evaluation period. During this period you can use all build-in functions without restrictions. After purchasing and registration of your program, this window will no more be appearing. Msg_AppNotCorrectInstalled=Emcalc was not correctly installed , %\ execute a proper installation. Msg_NoCounter=Control variable of the infinite series was not specified Msg_NoRange=The range for control variable of the infinite series was not specified Msg_NoStep=The step for control variable of the infinite series was not specified Msg_StepIsZero=Iteration step equals zero Msg_SeqDefined=Substitution of a key sequence was defined %\ Substitue the pair "%s%s" %\ with the only one character "%s" ? Msg_SeqRemoved=Substitution of the pair "%s%s" %\ with the character "%s" was cancelled Msg_SeqAborted=Substitution of the pair "%s%s" was cancelled Msg_InvalidIdent=Invalid variable identifier "%s" Msg_IdentRedeclared=The variable "%s" allready exists Msg_VarRegistered=The variable "%s" was registered Msg_VarNotDefined=The variable "%s" was not defined Msg_UseIterateVar=For iteration must be used the variable "%s" Msg_IterateVarIsComplex=Only one component of complex variable can be iterated %\ %s Msg_IterateVarIsZero=Iterate variable is zero Msg_AskForReset=Perform reset? %\ (removes the user variables and resets) Msg_DataFiles=Data files Msg_TextFiles=Text files Msg_TaskFiles=Task files Msg_BinaryFiles=Binary files Msg_ColRowInfo=Line: %3d Col: %3d Msg_LibraryFiles=Expression library files Msg_AskForOverwriteFile=File "%s" already exists. %\ Overwrite it? Msg_WritingToFile=Writing into file... Msg_Space=Space Msg_Semicolon=Semicolon Msg_Comma=Comma Msg_Tabulator=Tabulator Msg_VarNotContainsRangeAndStep=Variable "%s" doesn't contain range and step %\ e.g. 50..2500:10 Msg_ExprIncorrectOrVarNotExists=Incorrect expression or non existing variable Msg_CreateFileError=Error on creatig file: %\ "%s" Msg_OpenFileError=Error on openning file: %\ "%s" Msg_FileNotOpenForWriting=File %s not open for writing Msg_LogicalFileNumber=Logical file number must be in range 0..9 Msg_FileNotFound=File not found: %\ "%s" Msg_ReadFromFileError=Error on reading from file: %\ "%s" Msg_WriteToFileError=Error on writing into file: %\ "%s" Msg_WriteToFolderError=Error on writting into folder: %\ "%s" Msg_ToManyIterations=The number of iteration steps exceeds 1 million. %\ Some unpredictable problems might occure, %\ Resume now? Msg_ManyIterations=The number of iteration steps exceeds 100.000, %\ considerable slow-down of the calculation might occure. %\ Resume now? Msg_IterationException=%s %\ %\ Continue with iterations? Msg_OneValue=%s value %s Msg_FewValues=%s values %s Msg_ManyValues=%s values %s Msg_ComputationTime=Calculation Time: %s Msg_FreeSavedCount=You use the freeware version, %\ only first 100 values saved Msg_InsMode=|insert - the name of the function is to be written into the expression Msg_EvalMode=|eval - expression will be evaluated as an argument of the function Msg_RangeOverflow=Range 2^64 exceeded Msg_HideFnList=&Hide the list of functions Msg_ShowFnList=&Show the list of functions Msg_Register=&Register Msg_ChangeName=&Change name Msg_AskForInsertNewVar=New variables registered: %\ %s %\ %\ Insert used variables into the input fields? Msg_AskForResetVariables=Set all variables to zero? Msg_NonConvertableString=Not convertable string %\ %s ;-------- ;WARNING: Following four lines are declarations of variable identifier ; !!! right sides of the equal signs must not contain word separators ;-------- Msg_bezDPH=excVAT Msg_sazba=Rate Msg_DPH=VAT Msg_celkem=Total ;-------- Msg_MoveCursorInto=Move the cursor into any field %\ %s / %s /%s Msg_SeriesDeploySyntax=Expression:::Variable=Min..Max:Step Msg_HelpItem=&Help Msg_InsertConstant=Insert a constant... Msg_VariableDuplicity=Duplicity of variable "%s" Msg_ExprLibraryModified=The expression library was modified. %\ Save it? Msg_AskForSaveToFile=Save modified data to file? Msg_InvalidCode=Invalid authentization code Msg_ogDayCountUsed=The program is used more than 30 days. %\ Please register now. Msg_CodeExpired=The trial period has run out. %\ Please register now. Msg_SerialNumberNotCorrectEntered=The serial number was not entered correctly Msg_EngButton=Engineering Notation|Display results in postfix engineering notation Msg_Log=Common logarithm Msg_Ln=Nature logarithm Msg_Open=Open Msg_SaveAs=Save as Msg_appShareware=(trial version) Msg_appFreeware=(not registered) Msg_AppVersionInfo=Version %s Build %s Msg_AdvancedCalculator=calculator with advanced functions Msg_LoadingPleaseWait=Loading, please wait. Msg_FileIntegrityError=File integrity error in %s Msg_Variable=Variable Msg_RegisteredUser=User Msg_SerialNumber=Serial Number Msg_30DaysTrialVersion=30 days trial version Msg_Author=Author Msg_Email=Email Msg_FreeVersion=free demo version Msg_WithFnLimitation=with restriction of some functions Msg_CreatedInCooperationWith=Created in cooperation with the company Msg_Name=Name Msg_Value=%s-Value Msg_OrdinalNumber=Ord. Msg_GenerateDataSeriesFirst=Generate data series first Msg_Data=Data Msg_MissingDataOrDataError=Missing data or data error Msg_DateTime=Date and time Msg_StatisticalValues=Statistical values Msg_Regression=Regression Msg_Linear=Linear Msg_Logarithmic=Logarithmic Msg_Exponential=Exponential Msg_Power=Power Msg_Covariance=Covariance Msg_VariabilityRate=Variability rate Msg_RegressionFunction=Regression function Msg_DataSeries=Data series Msg_ValuesCount=Number of values Msg_MinValue=Minimal value Msg_MaxValue=Maximal value Msg_ArithmeticAverage=Arithmetic mean Msg_GeometricAverage=Geometric mean Msg_QuadraticAverage=Quadratic mean Msg_HarmonicAverage=Harmonic mean Msg_Sum=Sum Msg_SumOfSqares=Sum of squares Msg_DispersionVariance=Dispersion Msg_StandardDeviation=Standard deviation Msg_Variation=Variance coefficient Msg_AskForExportData=Export data? Msg_InvalidNumericFormat=Invalid numeric format: %\ "%S" Msg_AxisName=%s-axis Msg_ReadFromTxtFile=Load from text file Msg_SaveToFile=Save to file Msg_CopyToClipboard=Copy to clipboard Msg_Print=Print Msg_NewCommentary=New comment Msg_NewExpression=New expression Msg_NewAnnotation=quantity= %s [units] %s hint Msg_LibraryFileNotFound=Expression library file not found %\ "%s" Msg_EditExprLibrary=Modify expression library %s|Switch the expression library modification mode Msg_Library=Library packages|Import/Export expression library from/into a package Msg_ImportLibrary=Import Library from Package <Import the expression library from the package> Msg_ExportLibrary=Export Library into Package <Export the expression library module into a package> Msg_NewCategory=New category Msg_Copy=Copy Msg_AskForDeleteCategory=Do you really want to delete %\ choosen category and its sub-categories? Msg_NodeDataNotInitialized=Knot "%s" %\ does not have inicialized data! Msg_Category=Category Msg_Commentary=Commentary Msg_Task=Task Msg_Expression=Expression Msg_Annotations=Annotations Msg_Notice=Note: Msg_ConvExprNotContainVarX=Convert relationship does not contain X variable Msg_InverseConvExprNotDefined=Inverse convert relationship was not defined Msg_HelpFileNotFound=Help file %s not found Msg_VectorsBeDisposed=If you choose Scalar, the existing vectors will be lost Msg_UseContextMenu=Please use context menu one of variables Msg_AskForActualization=Actualize values of variables? Msg_Switches=Switches; Msg_UserFunctions=user functions; Msg_TaskFinished=Task finished Msg_TaskInterrupted=Task interrupted Msg_TaskInitialized=Task initialized Msg_Breaked=Computation interrupted Msg_ExprNotAllowed=Expression in equations not allowed Msg_NoAsterisks=Do not use asterisk in equation system Msg_EqVarCountDiffers=Different count of equations and variables Msg_Equation=Equation Msg_Matrix=Matrix Msg_InProfVersion=Implemented in professional version Msg_Noname=Noname Msg_SingularMatrix=Singular matrix, %\ probably the matrix contains linear dependent rows Msg_PowerButton=Exponential Function with General Base Msg_CplxFormat=Component/exp. notation Msg_FunctionList=List of implemented functions [Err] Err_GotoWithinLoops=GOTO statement cannot be used within control structures Err_CannotFindLabel=Cannot find the label %s Err_LabelWithinLoops=Label cannot be used within control structures Err_SubroutineNotFound=Subroutine %s not found Err_ReturnBadPlaced=RETURN statement bad placed Err_BreakBadPlaced=BREAK statement bad placed Err_ContinueBadPlaced=CONTINUE statement bad placed Err_ElseBadPlaced=ELSE statement bad placed Err_FnNameNotDefined=Function name was not defined Err_VarNameNotSpecified=Variable name was not specified Err_FnNotDefined=Function %s was not defined Err_FnDefinitionNotClosed=Function definition not closed Err_SurplusRETURN=Surplus RETURN statement Err_SurplusENDDEF=Surplus ENDDEF statement Err_SurplusNEXT=Surplus NEXT statement Err_SurplusLOOP=Surplus LOOP statement Err_SurplusUNTIL=Surplus UNTIL statement Err_SurplusENDIF=Surplus ENDIF statement Err_NotClosedLoop=Not closed loop Err_NotClosedCondition=Not closed IF...THEN block of statements Err_NotClosedSubroutine=Not closed SUB...RETURN block of statements Err_NotClosedFunction=Not closed DEF...ENDDEF block of function Err_ConditionNotDefined=Condition was not defined Err_NoRelationalOperator=Condition not contains relational operator Err_LogicalFileNumber=Logical file number error # Err_LogicalFileNumberNotSpecified=Logical file number # was not specified Err_FileAccess=File #%d access error Err_NrFormatNotCorrect=Not correct number format "%s" Err_MissingRelationOperator=Missing relation operator [Fn] Fn_Sin=sine Fn_Cos=cosine Fn_Tg=tangent Fn_Cotg=cotangent Fn_Arcsin=arcsine Fn_Arccos=arccosine Fn_Arctg=arctangent Fn_Arccotg=arccotangent Fn_Sinh=hyperbolic sine Fn_Cosh=hyperbolic cosine Fn_Tgh=hyperbolic tangent Fn_Cotgh=hyperbolic cotangent Fn_Argsinh=hyperbolic arcsine Fn_Argcosh=hyperbolic arccosine Fn_Argtgh=hyperbolic arctangent Fn_Argcotgh=hyperbolic arccotangent Fn_Exp=natural antilogarithm Fn_Exp10=common antilogarithm Fn_Ln=natural logarithm Fn_Log=common logarithm Fn_Log2=binary logarithm Fn_LogN=n-ary logarithm Fn_Sqr=square power Fn_Sqrt=square root Fn_Abs=absolute value Fn_Frac=fractional part of real number Fn_Trunc=integer part of real number Fn_Round=rounds the number on the specified decimal places Fn_Int=integer part of real number (rounded towards zero) Fn_Ceil=integer part of real number (rounded upwards) Fn_Floor=integer part of real number (rounded downwards) Fn_Heaviside=function equals =1 for x>0 and =0 for x<=0 Fn_Sign=function equals =1 for x>1, 0 for x=0, -1 for x<0 Fn_Zero=function equals =0 for x=0, 1 for x<>0 Fn_Random=random number in range 0..int(x) Fn_Radius=distance between radius vector [x,y] and origin of coordinate system Fn_Phase=four quadrant angle of radius vector [x,y] Fn_Hypot=hypotenuse of rectangular triangle |y|*Sqrt(1+Sqr(x/y)), |x|<<|y| Fn_Fact=factorial of integer part of number x Fn_Power=exponential function, where y..base, x..exponent Fn_Intpower=exponential function, where y..base, x..integer exponent Fn_Arctg2=arctangent that returns an angle in the correct quadrant Fn_Arg=argument of complex number z=re(z)+i*im(z) Fn_Re=real part of complex number re(z) Fn_Im=imaginary part of complex number im(z) Fn_Conjug=conjugate complex number z=re(z)-i*im(z) Fn_Mantissa=mantissa -decimal part of common logarithm Fn_Exponent=exponent -integer part of common logarithm Fn_Min=lesser of two numbers Fn_Max=greater of two numbers Fn_Div=operator for integer division Fn_Mod=operator for rest of integer division Fn_Not=function corresponds bitwise oparator NOT Fn_And=function corresponds bitwise oparator AND Fn_Or=function corresponds bitwise oparator OR Fn_Nor=function corresponds bitwise oparator NOR Fn_Xor=function corresponds bitwise oparator XOR Fn_Shl=function corresponds bitwise oparator SHL Fn_Shr=function corresponds bitwise oparator SHR Fn_Pwr=exponentiation operator of base y by exponent x Fn_Sum=sum of function values of generated dataseries Fn_Sqrsum=sum of squares of function values of generated dataseries [MainMenu] File=&File <Working with data files> Variable=&Variable <Working with variables> Function=&Function <Working with functions> Matrix=&Matrix <Matrix operations & system of equations> Analysis=&Analysis <Mathematical data analysis> Graph=&Graph <Analytic graph functions examples> Window=&Window <Setting dimensions and behavior of application window> Help=&Help <Working with help> ; Note: If the menu items cann't be placed into single line (big system font), ; please replace the text of the Help item through the question mark as folloving ; Help=? <Working with help> [FileMenu] New=&New <Create new fx file> Open=&Open... <Open fx file> Save=&Save <Save fx file> SaveAs=S&ave As... <Save fx file as> GenerateSeries=&Generate Series <Generate series|Syntax: Minimum .. Maximum : Step Only the first (and the second) input field can be used> IterateVariable=&Iterate by Variable... y=f(x) <Generate data series by iteration of the variable> IterateParameter=I&terate by Parameter... x,y=f(t) <Generate data series by iteration of the parameter> SeriesDeploy=&Infinite Series Expansion... <Generate data series by an expansion of infinite series> ComplexNumberFunction=Complex Number Function <Generate data series of complex function> EntrySeries=&Enter Series Member... <Entering the members of the series for statistical calculations> Options=&Options... <Environment parameters setting> Exit=E&xit <Close program> [VariableMenu] ChangeNames=&Change Names <The change of variables' name> List=&List <Show the list of variables> Reset=&Reset <Reset of variables> DeleteUserDefined=&Delete User Variables <Delete user defined variables> ImportVector=&Import Vector <Load variable-vector from file> ExportVector=&Export Vector <Save variable-vector to file> DeleteAllVectors=De&lete all Vectors <Delete all variable-vectors> AddVectorToGraph=&Add Vector to Graph <Add the variable-vector into graph> AutoRegisteration=&Auto Registering <Auto registering of new variables in expression> UseNumberInstedAns=&Use Number Instead Ans <Using value instead of the name of variable Ans> [FunctionMenu] ShowFunctionList=&Show Function List <Show the list of functions|The list of implemented functions - case insensitive> ShowExpressionList=S&how Expression Library <Show the expression library> UnitConversion=&Unit Conversions <Unit conversions of physical constants> InsertFnToExpr=&Insert Fn into Expression <insert|Insert the name of the function at the cursor position> ExprAsFuncArgument=&Expression as Fn-Argument <eval|Evaluate the expression as an argument of the function> StandardModeOfSpacer=&Standard Mode of Spacer <Standard mode of spacebar \ Inserting brackets - switch by Shift+Space> [AnalysisMenu] Statistic=&Statistic <Statistic analysis> Regression=&Regression <Regression analysis> InterestCalculation=&Interest Calculations <Interest calculations> EnterAppendsData=&Enter Appends Data <If checked, Enter appends data to the data series entry of statistical analysis> [GraphMenu] IterateVariable=&Iterate by Variable... y=f(x) <Function graph given by analytical equations in orthogonal coordinate system> IterateParameter=I&terate by Parameter... x,y=f(t) <Function graph given by parametric equations in orthonormal coordinate system> SeriesDeploy=&Infinite Series Expansion... <Function graph given by analytical expansion of infinite series> ComplexNumberFunction=&Complex Number Function... <Function graph of complex number function> ComplexFunctionSample=&Sample of Complex Function... <Show graph samples of complex variable functions> Modulus=&Modulus <Graph of modulus of complex functiom> Argument=&Argument <Graph of argument of complex functiom> RealPart=&Real Part <Graph of real part of complex functiom> ImaginaryPart=&Imaginary Part <Graph of imaginary part of complex functiom> Gaussian=&Gaussian Complex Plane <Graph of complex functiom in Gaussian complex plane> DetailedGraph=&Detailed Graph <Advanced graphics> AddDataSeriesIntoGraph=&Add Data Series into Graph <Add the generated data series into graph> RemoveLastDataSeriesFromGraph=&Remove Data Series <Remove the selected data series from graph> RemoveAllDataSeriesFromGraph=Remove &All Data Series <Remove all data series form graph> CopyToStatistics=&Copy data into Statistics <Copy data series into statistics> [WindowMenu] MiniWindow=&Mini-Window <Minimal window size> AlwaysOnTop=&Always on Top <Application window will be always above other windows> ;LogForm=Calculations &History LogForm=&History of Calculations VarForm=&List of Variables ConstForm=&User constants DispForm=E&xpression Editor ExprForm=&Expression Library StatForm=&Statistical Analysis EdForm=&BASIC Output Window GrForm=&Graph of Data Series [HelpMenu] TipsOfTheDay=&Tip of the Day <Shows tips for effective work> Wizard=&Wizard <Wizard through the nonmodal windows> ContentsAndIndex=&Contents & Index <Shows the help system of EMcalc> Registration=&Registration <Data specification for registration> Order=&Order <Order EMcalc on line> Support=&User Support <Get detailed informations, tips and trics> EMcalcOnline=&EMcalc on Line <EMcalc on line service> Updates=&Update <Update via Internet> OrderOnline=&Order on Line <Order EMcalc on line> FAQ=&Frequently Asked Questions <Answers for frequently asked questions> News=&News About the Program <EMcalc news> Emcalc=&EMcalc Web Pages <Special web pages about EMcalc> About=&About the Program <Information about the program> [DisplayPopupMenu] CopyToClipboard=&Copy to Clipboard <Copy the number on display to clipboard> InsertToExprField=&Paste to Expr. Field <Insert the number on display into expression field> NormFormat=&Normal Notation <Display numbers in general floating decimal point notation> FixFormat=&Fixed Decimal Point <Display numbers with fixed decimal point notation> ExpFormat=&Scientific Notation <Display numbers in exponential notation> EngFormat=&Engineering Notation <Display numbers in engineering postfix notation> Rounded=&Rounding <Rounding to given amount of valid/decimal places> Cplx_CompFormat=Com&p. cplx number format <Component complex number format> Cplx_ExpFormat=E&xp. cplx number format <Exponentiial complex number format> DecFormat=&Decimal <Decimal notation> BinFormat=&Binary <Binary notation> OctFormat=&Octal <Octal notation> HexFormat=&Hexadecimal <Hexadecimal notation> DisplayOptions=D&isplay Options... <Display font and color settings> [VariablePopupMenu] ChangeName=&Change Names <Change name of variables> Reset=&Reset <Variable reset> DataSeries=&Data Series <Generate data series> ImportVector=&Import Vector <Import the Vector of Variable> ExportVector=&Export Vector <Export the Vector of Variable> DeleteVector=&Delete Vector <Delete the Vector of Variable> ImportFromFile=&File <Import the Vector of Variable from file> ImportFromStatistics=&Statistic <Import the Vector of Variable from statistics> ExportToFile=&File <Export the Vector of Variable to file> ExportToStatistics=&Statistics <Export the Vector of Variable to statistics> ExportToMsExcel=&Microsoft Excel <Export the Vector of Variable to MS Excel> [ConstPopupMenu] 0=Astronomical unit 1=Avogadro's constant 2=Bohr's radius 3=Bohr's magnethon 4=Boltzmann's constant 5=Electron charge 6=Faraday's constant 7=Gravitation constant 8=Elektron weight 9=Muon weight A=Neutron weight B=Proton weight C=Newton's gravitation constant D=Vakuum permitivity E=Vakuum permeability F=Radiation constant G=Loschmidt's constant H=Magnethic moment of proton I=Magnethic moment of electron J=Magnethic moment of neutron K=Magnethic moment of muon L=Ideal gas molar volume M=Planck's constant N=Rydberger's constant O=Speed of light in vakuum P=Stefan-Boltzmann's constant Q=Gravitation acceleration R=Universal gas constant S=Nuclear magneton [GraphPopupMenu] DetailedGraph=&Detailed Graph <Advanced graphics> AddDataSeriesIntoGraph=&Add into Graph <Add the generated data series into graph> RemoveLastDataSeriesFromGraph=&Remove Last from Graph <Remove the last added data series from graph> RemoveAllVectorsFromGraph=Remove &All from Graph <Remove all data series form graph> CopyToStatistics=&Copy data into Statistics <Copy data series into statistics> [ToolButtons] Open=Open SaveAs=Save As OpenLibrary=Open expression library CopyToClipboard=Copy to clipboard Rename=Rename Varaibles ShowFnList=Show/Hide List of Functions|The list of implemented functions - case insensitive DataSeriesParametersDialog=Data Series Parameters EvaluateExpression=Evaluate Expression [ExprGroup] Label=&Expr. Button=Open Expression Library [RndGroup] Edit=Number of Valid/decimal Places UpDown=Change of Amount of Valid/decimal Places Button=Round|Round the result to valid/decimal places [EngGroup] Edit=Postfix of Engineering Notation UpDown=Change the Postfix of Engineering Notation Button=Engineering Notation|Display results in postfix engineering notation [Switches] Switches=Switches Clear=Clear Variables Edit=Open Expression Editor Const=Insert Choosen Constant Select=Choose Constant... FnButtons=Fn Buttons Mode AngleUnit=Angle Unit NumerationBase=Numeration Base NumerationDomain=Numeration Domain NumberFormat=Number Format [FnTable] Mode=insert/eval Drgr=deg-rad-grad Base=dec-hex-bin-oct Numb=real-cmlx Form=norm-fix-sci-eng Invert=Inverted Value Sqr=Square Power Exp10=Common Antilogarithm Exp=Natural Antilogarithm Pwr=Exponential Function with General Base Dms=deg:min:sec <--> float Sqrt=Square Root Log=Common Logarithm Ln=Natural Logarithm Fact=Factorial Inverse=Inverse Hyp=Hyperbolic Sin=Sine Cos=Cosine Tan=Tangent Conv=Unit Conversions Func=User Function Stat=Statistical Analysis Reg=Regression Analysis DPH=Value Added Tax [Buttons] Enter=E&nter Fn=Function Buttons Gr=Graph of Data Series Abc=Variable Input Fields Data=&Data <Add Result to Data Series of Statistics> View=V&iew <Show Data Series> Reset=Reset <Destroy User Defined Variables and Reset> [Variables] Hint=Variable Name [StatusBar] Text=|insert - the function name will be inserted into an expression at the cursor position [ParamDlg] ParEquations=&Parametric equations HorizAxis=&Hor. axis: VertAxis=&Ver. axis: XMin=M&in value: XMax=M&ax value: XStep=&Step: YMin=Mi&n value: YMax=Ma&x value: YStep=S&tep: CreateFile=&File creation Browse=Browse Default=Imp&l. DefaultMask=Implicit mask Columns=Columns ConttinuousNumbering=&Continuous numbering IndependentVariable=In&dependent variable Format=Format Mask=&Mask ColumnSeparator=S&eparator: DecimalSeparator=Se¶tor: PointComma=Decimal point DashComma=Decimal comma AccordingToWindows=According to Win Cancel=Cancel Help=Help [VarForm] Edit=&Edit <Edit values of variables> Apply=&Apply <Apply changes> Undo=&Undo <Undo changes> Delete=&Delete <Delete selected variable> Close=&Close <Hide the list of variables> [StatForm] DataSeries=&Data series: Edit=&Edit Import=&Import Add=&Add Remove=Re&move Export=E&xport Insert=I&nsert Graph=&Graph miFile=&File miDataSeries=&Data Series of EMcalc miWindowsClipboard=&Windows Clipboard miRow=&Row miAll=&All miAddRow=&Add Row miInsertRow=&Insert Rrow miClearRow=&Delete Row miClearAll=&Delete All miTransferFromDisplay=Paste from &Display miTransferToExpression=Copy to &Expression miImport=&Import miImportFromFile=&File miImportDataSeries=&EMcalc Data Series miImportFromClipboard=&Windows Clipboard miExport=&Export miExportToFile=&File miExportToGraph=&EMcalc Graph miExportToClipboard=&Windows Clipboard RoundStatisticalData=&Rounding Calculated Data RoundImportedData=Rounding Imported &Data Update=&Update Save=&Save Hide=&Hide Quit=&Quit WeightedAverage=Weighted mean [GemForm] MatrixOrder=Matrix order|Set row count & column count of square matrix New=New equations system|Create new equations system Load=Load from file|Load data of equation system from txt file SaveAs=Save to file as|Save data of equation system to txt file Adjust=Adjust column widths|Adjust uniform column width od data grid ColWidths=Column widths|Value of column widths on adjustment SetColWidths=Set column widths|Set uniform column width by displayed value RandomData=Fill matrix with random numbers|Fill the matrix with generated random numbers (..and test) MatrixCompletion=Convert equations to matrix|Conversion of mathematical notation of equations to matrix MatrixOptions=Matrix options|Setting the matrix options SymmetricalWriting=Symmetrical writing|Simultaneous writing of symmetrical matrix elements TransposeMatrix=Transpose matrix elements|Transpose rows and columns of matrix SaveHistory=Save history|Saving particular results of Gaussian solution of equation system MatrixInversion=Matrix inversion|Flag for solution of matrix inversion RunSolution=Run solution|Run the solution of equation system BreakSolution=Breaksolution|Break the solution of equation system TriangulateMatrix=Triangulate matrix|Show the triangulated matrix after the Gaussian forward solution ResultCheck=Result check|Show the vector of abolute members computed by the substitution method BackAssign=Assign right to left matrix|Copy the right matrix elements to the left matrix SaveResult=Save result to txt file|Save the result-vector of equation systems solution to txt file ExportToExcel=Export to MS Excel|Export the matrix elements & the solution vector to MS Excel sheet CopyToClipboard=Copy result to clipboard|Save the result-vector of equation systems solution to Windows clipboard Help=ENcalc help|Shows the help system of EMcalc Memo=Here you can write some comments and/or equation system as in mathematics, e.g.: [Matrix] Inversion=Matrix Inversion [GrForm] CopyToClipboard=Copy To Clipboard CopyAsBmp=&Copy as Bitmap <Copy graphics as Windows bitmap into Clipboard> CopyAsWmf=C&opy as Metafile <Copy graphics as Windows metafile into Clipboard> CopyAsEmf=Co&py as Enhanced Metafile <Copy graphics as Windows enhanced metafile into Clipboard> CopyStatusBar=Copy &Status Bar Data <Copy status bar data into Clipboard> Print=Print AddSeries=Add data series RemoveSeries=Remove data series ClearAllSeries=Remove all data series SeriesIndex=Index of selected data series HideSeries=Hide unselected data series CrossHair=Cross Hair CoordsSystem=Choose the coordinate system Orthogonal=&Orthogonal Orthonormal=O&rthonormal Polar=P&olar ScanCoords=Scannig of coordinates MeasureDistance=Measuring of distance Animate=Animate ZoomIn=Zoom In ZoomOut=Zoom Out DefaultScale=Default size & scale ZoomPercent=Zoom percentage MoveHorizontal=Moving/sizing horizontal MoveVertical=Moving/sizing vertical MoveBoth=Moving/sizing horizontal & vertical Texts=Text captions ColorSettings=Color settings PenColor=Pen Color BkColor=Background Color GrayScale=Gray Scale CrossHairColor=Cross Hair Color RestoreColors=Restore Colors ContextHelp=Context help Help=EMcalc help ToolBar=&Tool Bar HScrollBar=&Horiz. Scroll Bar VScrollBar=&Vert. Scroll Bar TrackBar=&Track Bar StatusBar=&Status Bar ShowAll=&Show All HideAll=&Hide All [ExprForm] tbSave=Save Expression Library|Save changes made in expression library tbFind=Find text|Find text string in expression library coFind=Find Category|Incremental search of category - write the name of searched category tbNew=Insert New|Insert new category (or table row or hints) into expression library tbCut=Cut|Cut the category (or table row or hints) from expression library tbCopy=Copy|Copy category (or table row or hints) into expression library tbPaste=Paste|Paste copy of category (or table row or hints) into expression library tbDelete=Delete|Delete category (or table row or hints) from expression library tbResize=Grow/shrink the editor|Grow/shrink the editor size tbRunToCursor=Run to cursor|Run the task to cursor position tbRun=Run the task|Run the task from beginning tbPause=Pause/Continue|Pausing/continuing with the task run tbStop=Break|Breaking the task immediately tbUse=Use selected expression|Copy the selected expression & variables into main window tbContextHelp=Context help|Show context sensitive help for the control tbHelp=EMcalc help|Shows the help system of EMcalc btnFinishImport=&Finish Import btnCancelImport=&Cancel Import btnFinishExport=&Finish Export btnCancelExport=&Cancel Export ; -- TreeViewPopupMenu -- Edit_TV=&Edit NewCategory=&New Category NewSubCategorie=New &Subcategory CutCategory=C&ut Category CopyCategory=&Copy Category PasteCategory=&Paste Category ClearCategory=&Delete Category FullExpand=&Expand All FullCollapse=C&ollapse All ; -- StringGridPopupMenu -- Edit_SG=&Edit NewRow=&New Line CutRow=C&ut Line CopyRow=&Copy Line PasteRow=&Paste Line ClearRow=&Delete Line ImportExpression=I&mport of Expression ; -- MemoPopupMenu -- Edit_ME=&Edit InsertMode=Insert &Mode InsertWinSizePos=Insert &WinSizePos InsertSuperscript=Insert &Superscript Cut=&Cut Copy=C&opy Paste=&Paste Delete=&Delete Undo=&Undo SelectAll=Select &All Font=&Font [FindForm] btnCategory=Find in category names|Find the text in category area btnComment=Find in comments and tasks|Find the text in then comment- and task area btnFind=Find text|Find in the selected areas btnSelect=Go to the founded items|Go to the founded items [Gr] Gr_Cancel=Cancel Gr_ParamEquations=Curve of parametric equations: Gr_OrthoEquation=Equations in orthonormal coordinate system: Gr_XAxis=X axis: Gr_YAxis=Y axis: Gr_XAxisCaption=&X axis: Gr_YAxisCaption=&Y axis: Gr_TitleCaption=&Caption: ; Gr_Circle=Circle Gr_Ellipse=Ellipse Gr_Spiral=Spiral Gr_InvoluteOfCircle=Involute of circle Gr_SimpleCycloid=Simple cycloid Gr_CurtateCycloid=Curtated cycloid Gr_ProlateCycloid=Prolated cycloid Gr_SimpleEpicycloid=Simple epicycloid Gr_CurtateEpicycloid=Curtated epicycloid Gr_ProlateEpicycloid=Prolated epicycloid Gr_Cardioid=Cardioid Gr_SimpleHypocycloid=Simple hypocycloid Gr_CurtateHypocycloid=Curtated hypocycloid Gr_ProlateHypocycloid=Prolated hypocycloid Gr_Asteroid=Asteroid Gr_BernoulliLemniscate=Bernoulli's lemniscate Gr_DiokleCissoid=Diokle's cissoid Gr_Strophoid=Strophoid Gr_PascalScrewDie=Pascal's screw die Gr_MathematicalPendulum=Mathematical pendulum Gr_Candlestick=Candlestick Gr_MargueriteBloom=Marguerite bloom Gr_NotchCircle=Notch circle Gr_ToothedWheel=Toothed wheel ; Gr_Catenary=Catenary Gr_RectangularPeriodicFunction=Rectangular periodic function Gr_SineModulation=Sine modulation Gr_SinecosineModulation=Sine cosine modulation Gr_CosineImpulse=Cosine impulse Gr_TransientAlternateAction=Transient alternate action ; Gr_RectangularCurve=Rectangular curve Gr_AscendSerratedCurve=Ascended serrated curve Gr_DescendSerratedCurve=Descended serrated curve Gr_TriangularCurve=Triangular curve Gr_TrapezeCurve=Trapeze curve Gr_RectangularImpulse=Rectangular impulse [St] St_Commentary=&Comment: St_Items=&Items: St_Cancel=&Cancel [Rg] Rg_User=&User Rg_Name=&Name: Rg_Company=&Company: Rg_Address=&Address: Rg_RegisterEntry=&Registration data: Rg_SerialNumber=&Serial number: Rg_AuthenticCode=Auth&entization code: Rg_Register=&Register Rg_Close=Close Rg_CodeNotCorrectEntered=Authentization code was not entered correctly Rg_SnOrCodeNotCorrectEntered=Serial number or authentization code were not entered correctly Rg_Acknowledgement=EMcalc was succesfully registered, %\ thanks for buying it. [Tips] Tips_DoYouKnow=Did you know... Tips_ShowTipsOnStart=&Show tips on start Tips_NextTip=&Next tip Tips_Close=&Close Tips_NoTipsAvailable=No tips available [Or] Or_Order=Order form Or_Header=We order EMcalc with the following specification: Or_Name=Name or company Or_CompId=Identification number Or_Street=Street Or_Number=Number Or_TaxID=Tax ID Or_City=City Or_Zip=Zip code Or_BankingContact=Bank contact Or_Email=E-mail Or_Phone=Phone Or_ProductName=Product name Or_Version=Version Or_LicenceType=Licence type Or_LicenceCombo=- ----- choose licence type ----- %\ Licence for one computer %\ Licence for 10 computers %\ Licence for 30 computers %\ Unlimited multilicence Or_Count=Amount Or_Yes=YES Or_EduVersion=Educational v. Or_ExclusiveVAT=Excl. VAT Or_VAT=VAT Or_InclusiveVAT=Incl. VAT Or_Expedition=Expedition Or_TotalPrice=Total price Or_DeliveryForm=Delivery form Or_DeliveryCombo=Download from Internet %\ Download from Internet Or_Specification=Notes, order specifications, different address for delivery Or_Date=Date Or_Signature=Signature Or_MailBodyMsg=If an automatic filling of message body is not performed, %\ just insert it from the clipboard Or_Notes=Notes Or_Memo1=Please, fill exactly this form. %\\ %\\ Data in this form serves as materials for account papers creation. %\\ Data will be used only for the purpose of this order Or_Memo2=and will not be accessible to third parties. %\\ %\\ Note to input fields: %\\ *) If you are company, write the exact name %\\ **)Only for companies Or_Subject=EMcalc order Or_Body=Please, replace this text by the text in the clipboard Or_Print=&Print Or_MailTo=&Send by e-mail Or_Close=&Close [Cv] Cv_Units=&Units Cv_Convert=&Convert Cv_Conversion=Conversion Cv_InputValue=&Input value Cv_OutputValue=&Output value Cv_Import=&Import <Take from display> Cv_Export=E&xport <Export to expression> Cv_Revert=Revert Cv_miRevertUnits=&Revert units Cv_miRevertValues=R&evert values Cv_miRevertAll=Revert &All ; --- quantities --- Cv_Length=Length Cv_Area=Area Cv_Volume=Volume Cv_Time=Time Cv_Weight=Weight Cv_Performance=Performance Cv_Temperature=Temperature Cv_Pressure=Pressure Cv_Energy=Energy Cv_Force=Force Cv_Speed=Speed Cv_Acceleration=Acceleration Cv_Luminosity=Luminosity Cv_Luminance=Luminance Cv_Illuminance=Illuminance [Length] Metre=Metre <Basic unit of SI> Kilometre=Kilometre Millimetre=Millimetre Centimetre=Centimetre Decimetre=Decimetre Micrometre=Micrometre Inch=Inch Foot=Foot Yard_GB=Yard (GB) Mile_GB=Mile (GB) StatuteMile_US=Statute Mile (US) NauticalMile_GB=Nautical Mile (GB) InternationalNauticalMile=International Nautical Mile ┬ngstr÷m=┬ngstr÷m TypographicalDot=Typographical Dot LightYear=Light Year Parsec=Parsec <3,26 light years> AstronomicalUnit=Astronomical Unit <mean distance of the Earth from the Sun> Fathom=Fathom <6 feet, 183 cm> [Area] SquareMetre=Square Metre SquareKilometre=Square Kilometre SquareCentimetre=Square Centimetre SquareMillimetre=Square Milimetre SquareDecimetre=Square Decimetre Are=Are Hectare=Hectare SquareInch_US=Square Inch (USA) SquareInch_GB=Square Inch (GB) SquareFoot_US=Square Foot (USA) SquareFoot_GB=Square Foot (GB) SquareYard_US=Square Yard (USA) SquareYard_GB=Square Yard (GB) Acre_US=Acre (USA) Acre_GB=Acre (GB) SquareMile_US=Square Mile (USA) SquareMile_GB=Square Mile (GB) Barn=Barn [Volume] CubicMetre=Cubic Metre CubicKilometre=Cubic Kilometre Litre_CubicDecimetre=Litre - Cubic Decimetre Millilitre_CubicCentimetre=Mililitre - Cubic Centimetre Decilitre=Decilitre Centilitre=Centilitre Hectolitre=Hectolitre CubicInch_GB=Cubic Inch (GB) CubicFoot_GB=Cubic Foot (GB) CubicYard_GB=Cubic Yard (GB) LiquidOunce_GB=Liquid Ounce (GB) Quart_US=Quart (USA) Quart_GB=Quart (GB) Gallon_US=Galon (USA) Gallon_GB=Galon (GB) PetrochemicalBarrel=Petrochemical Barrel [Time] Second=Second <Basic SI unit> Millisecond=Milisecond Microsecond=Microsecond Nanosecond=Nanosecond Pikosecond=Picosecond Minute=Minute Hour=Hour MeanSolarDay=Mean Solar Day SiderealDay=Sidereal Day Week=Week MonthOf30Days=30 Days Month <30 days> MeanMonth=Mean Month (1/12 year) <30,4368496334877 days> TropicalYear=Tropical Year <365,242195601852 days (mean solar)> SiderealYear=Sidereal Year <365,25946 days (mean solar)> [Weight] Kilogram=Kilogram <Basic SI unit> Gram=Gram Ton=Ton MetricCent=Metric Cent Milligram=Miligram Microgram=Microgram NuclearMassUnit=Nuclear Mass Unit MetricCarat=Metric Carat Grain=Grain Ounce=Ounce Pound=Pound Cent(HundredWeight)_GB=Cent (Hundredweight) (GB) <100 pounds> Cent(HundredWeight)_US=Cent (Hundredweight) (USA) <112 pounds> ShortTon_US=Short Ton (USA) Ton_GB=Ton (GB) LongTon_US=Long Ton (USA) PennyWeight=Pennyweight [Performance] Watt=Watt Kilowatt=Kilowatt Megawatt=Megawatt Gigawatt=Gigawatt Terawatt=Terawatt Milliwatt=Miliwatt Microwatt=Microwatt KilopoundMetrePerSecond=Kilopoundmetre per Second KilocaloriePerHour=Kilocalory per Hour KilocaloriePerSecond=Kilocalory per Second CaloriePerSecond=Calory per Second ErgPerSecond=Erg per Second HP=Horse <735,5 Watt> HorsePower=Horse Power <745,7 Watt> MetricHorsePower=Metric Horse Power <735,499 Watt> BritishThermalUnitPerSecond=British Thermal Unit per Second FootPoundPerSecond=Footpound per Second [Temperature] Kelvin=Kelvin <thermodynamic temperature unit> CelsiusDegree=Celsius Degree RankinDegree=Rankin Degree FahrenheitDegree=Fahrenheit Degree ReamurDegrgee=Reamur Degree [Pressure] Pascal=Pascal Kilopascal=Kilopascal Magapascal=Megapascal Hectopascal=Hectopascal Bar=Bar Millibar=Millibar StandardAtmosphere=Standard Atmosphere TechnicalAtmosphere=Technical Atmosphere Torr=Torr ConventionalMillimetreOfWaterColumn=Conventional Millimetre of Water Col. PSIA=Psia <pound per square inch> Pieze=Pieze [Energy] Joule=Joule Kilojoule=Kilojoule Megajoule=Megajoule Gigajoule=Gigajoule ElectronVolt=Elektronvolt MegaelectronVolt=Megaelektronvolt Calorie=Calory Kilocalorie=Kilocalory WattSecond=Wattsecond WattHour=Watthour KilowattHour=Kilowatthour MegawattHour=Megawatthour GigawattHour=Gigawatthour TerawattHour=Terawatthour KilopoundMetre=kilopoundmetre BritishThermalUnit=British Thermal Unit FootPound=Foot Pound Erg=Erg Therm=Therm [Force] Newton=Newton Kilonewton=Kilonewton Meganewton=Meganewton Dyne=Dyn KilogrammeForce=Kilogramme-Force Kilopound=Kilopound PoundForce=Pound-Force [Speed] MetrePerSecond=Metre per Second KilometrePerHour=Kilometre per Hour Mach=Mach (sonic speed) Knot=Knot (nd, noeud) [Acceleration] MetrePerSquareSecond=Metre per Ssquare Second Gal=Gal GravitationalAcceleration=Gravitational Accelaration [Luminosity] Candela=Candela <Basic SI unit> InternationalCandle=International SI Candle Violle=Violle CarcelLamp=Carcel Lamp HarcourtLamp=Harcourt Lamp SpermacetiCandle=Spermaceti Candle (Old Candle) HefnerCandle_2070=Hefner Candle (2070 oC) HefnerCandle_2400=Hefner Candle (2400 oC) HefnerCandle_3100=Hefner Candle (3100 oC) [Luminance] CandelaPerSuareMetre=Candela per Square Metre Nit=Nit Stilb=Stilb Lambert=Lambert FootLambert=Foot-Lambert <1/(ft^2*pi)> Mililambert=Millilambert Blondel=Blondel CandelaPerSquareInch=Candela per Square Inch CandelaPerSquareFoot=Candela per Square Foot Apostilb=Apostilb [Illuminance] Lux=Lux Microlux=Microlux Kilolux=Kilolux Phot=Phot Mmiliphot=Milliphot FootCandela=Foot Candela ; --- PrefForm --- [PrefForm] VariableTab=Variable InExpressions=In expressions AutoRegVar=&Automatically registrate variables UseNumber=&Use number instead of variable Ans HandleVariableAs=Handle variable as Scalars=&Scalars Vectors=&Vectors - data series ImaginaryUnit=&Imaginary unit of complex number FunctionTab=Function ButtonPanel=Buttons of Fn panel InsertFnToExpr=&Insert Fn into expression ExprAsFuncArgument=&Expression as Fn argument VATRate=&Percentage VAT rate RoundTotalTo=&Rounding of total price Statistics=Statistics EnterAppendsData=Enter appends data to the data series entry of statistical analysis Spacer=Space StandardFunction=&Standard function SpaceAsBrackets=S&pace as brackets Mezernφk vklßdß zßvorkov² pßr HistoryTab=History LogWindow=Window AdjustWindowWidth=&Adjust width of window LogFile=File SaveHistory=&Save to emcalc.log ClearOnStart=&Delete on start Save=Save Results=&Results Expressions_Results=&Expressions and results Expressions_Variables_Results=E&xpressions, variable values and results CopyLogToClipboard=C&opy results to clipboard ClearHistory=&Clear History LanguageTab=Language HexFormat=Hex display format DesignTab=Design Switches=Switches Restore=&Restore GeneralTab=General Application=Application ShowTrayIcon=&Icon into the system tray MinimizeToTray=&Minimize to the system tray icon ActivateByNumLock=&Activate with the Num Lock key LaunchMinimizedOnWinStart=&Launch minimized on Wondows start OkBtn=OK CancelBtn=Cancel HelpBtn=Help ApplyBtn=Apply [TrayPopup] Show=&Show Hide=&Hide Options=&Options... Close=&Close ; --- Parser --- [Error] Error_DivisionByZero=Division by zero Error_ZeroDivisionBy=Zero division by operator %s Error_IndefiniteExpr=Argument of function %s %\ is an infinite expression 0^0 Error_Power_NegatExp=Error of argument of function Power(x;y), %\ basis is null an exponent negative Error_Power_FractExp=Error of argument of function Power(x;y), %\ basis is negative and exponent not an integer value Error_RangeOverflow=Argument of function %s %\ is out of range %s Error_OverDefinition=Argument of function %s %\ is out of definition range %s Error_FuncDisabled=function "%s" is not available Error_Free=You use the freeware version of program, %\ Error_NoComplexFunc=Function %s is not available in complex mode Error_Parse=Syntax error in expression Error_Blanks=Expression has blanks Error_Nestings=Expression contains too many nestings Error_TooComplex=Expression is too complex Error_InternalError=TParser internal error Error_IndexRangeError=Index is out of range Error_MissingBrackets=Missing brackets in expression Error_RedundantBrackets=Redundant brackets in expression Error_RangeInt64Exceeded=Range 2^64 was exceeded Error_EngNotationDisabled=postfix engineering notation not supported Error_InvalidDigitCharacter=Invalid character "%s" of %s numeration system Error_NumerationSystemDisabled=%s numeration system not supported Error_BadImaginaryUnitIdentifier=Symbol (%s) is not the valid symbol of imaginary unit Error_VarNameEqualsImaginaryUnit=Variable name ( %s ) is identical as the symbol of imaginary unit Error_InvalidVarName=Invalid variable name "%s" Error_OutOfSystemResources=Out of system resources